With Miquel Muñoz
XXII Young Photographers of Catalonia Award
With the collaboration of INSPAI, the Image Center of the Provincial Government of Girona
Barcelona is known as the city most visited by international tourists in Spain and stands out for the exceptionally high ratio of more than five tourists per inhabitant, which transforms it into a theme park.
Miquel Muñoz is an independent photojournalist who works in the written press. It has published in The Vanguard, ABC and the newspaper We buy. He has received the Young Photographers of Catalonia Award and has exhibited at the Visa Off, Fine Art d’Igualada and Transhumant festivals, among others.
With Adra Pallón
Demothanasia is the process by which, due to political actions or their omission, the population of a territory is caused to disappear. The situation is no less dramatic for the people who live or, rather, resist the rural environments in the most absolute solitude of a silent, silenced and misnamed empty Spain. Actually, it’s not there yet.
Adra Pallon is a photographer who, through long-term projects, in which he uses photography and multimedia, tries to explain the social problems that are present in the region or social group with which he integrates or of which he is a part. His personal work has been recognized in different photojournalism and photodocumentary contests.
Commented projection of photographic projects by the authors